Magadh University College List – UG / PG / Vocational यहाँ देखे

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Magadh University College List – Here is the list of all Affiliated & Constituents UG, PG & Vocational colleges of Magadh University, Bodhgaya. You can check here all the list of colleges from here.

Magadh University College Details –

University NameMagadh University
Post AboutAll types of College List
Number of College77
Magadh University Latest UpdateClick here
Magadh University Affiliated College List

Magadh University Colleges –

The Students who are looking for list of colleges under Magadh University can check the college list from here which is listed below.

There are total 77 UG, PG, Vocational, MBA, BEd, Law and Paramedical colleges under Magadh University. College list are given below with their city or district name.

Note – Study Origin is also available on social media – Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Telegram & Twitter. If you want then you can follow us there. (Study Origin: Bihar Educational News)

Magadh University College List –

Magadh University Constituents College ListClick here
Magadh University Degree College ListClick here
Magadh University Affiliated Medical & Paramedical College ListClick here
Magadh University Affiliated BEd College ListClick here
Magadh University Affiliated Law College ListClick here
Magadh University Minority College ListClick here
Magadh University College List ?

Constituents College List
Affiliated College List
Click to View more…(mentioned in post)

How many colleges in Magadh University ?

Total 77 colleges in Magadh University.

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