Important Days in Month February

Important Days of the Month February

Important Days in Month February

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Some Important Days in Month February

  • 2nd Februray =  World Wetlands Day
  • 4th Februray = World Cancer Day
  • 6th Februray = International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation
  • 9th Februray = Safer Internet Day
  • 10th Februray = National De-Worming Day
  • 11th Februray = International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • 13th Februray = World Radio Day (UNESCO) / National Women’s Day
  • 20th Februray = World Day of Social Justice
  • 21st Februray = International Mother Language Day
  • 23th Februray = World Peace and Understanding Day
  • 24th Februray = Central Excise Day
  • 27th Februray = World NGO Day
  • 28th Februray = National Science Day (India)

Important Days of the Month February

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